Letter (Text Based) ADQ Templates
The Letter (Text Based) ADQ uses a template supplied with the software. You can also create any number of your own custom templates as required.
Templates are created within Control Centre. From the Tools menu, select Annual Data Questionnaire (ADQ) > Configuration > Templates (Letter Based ADQ)
You will be presented with the ADQ Custom Letter Templates window that displays the templates you currently have in the system.
The supplied template entitled 'Sage' cannot be edited.
Click Add to create a new template.
As there is so much information included in the ADQ Letter template, your templates will not be created from scratch. When you create a new template you will always be prompted to choose a template on which to base your new custom template.
The first time you create a new template the only available option will be the 'Sage' supplied template. When you create a new template when there is already more than one template listed, the default selection for the base template will be the template that is currently set as default. However, you will be able to choose any of your previously created templates as the basis for a new design.
Enter a name for your new template and click OK.
You will see your new template present in the available list. When a template is highlighted the following buttons become available.
Add - Opens a window from which you can select a template to base your new template on and lets you enter a name for the new template.
Delete - Deletes the currently selected template. You cannot delete the 'Sage' supplied template.
Modify - Opens the currently selected template, showing all the text currently set up for each individual section. See below for more information about modifying the text. Note this changes to a View button if the Sage supplied template is highlighted..
Set as Default - Sets the currently selected letter template to be the default letter template. Whenever the default is required following this, for example as the basis for a new letter template, then the newly selected default will be used rather than the Sage template.
Help - Opens the relevant section of the Help.
Close - Closes the templates window.
Selecting Modify will open the Custom Letter Text window. In this window, you will see all sections of the ADQ available. Selecting a particular section will show the current text for that section that will appear in the letter. Click in the bottom window to amend this text. You can amend the text for as many sections as you wish. Deleting all text in any section will result in that section being excluded from the letter completely. Clicking OK will save your changes and return you to the ADQ Custom Letter Templates window.
All templates you create here will be available within Personal Tax when you choose to create a Letter based ADQ.